Brushes / Escoda Artist Sets

Escoda Artist Sets - Robert Wade
Watercolour brushes, Grafilo and Prado

Robert Wade
"I love the way Escoda brushes seem to be made just for my hand. They fit and balance perfectly!"

(Melbourne, Australia)
The internationally acclaimed artist, Robert Wade, has received awards worldwide for his work with watercolor. He has been awarded top honors in England, France, United States, plus 95 awards in Australia. He has exhibited with many major watercolor societies and many of his pieces are represented in public and corporate galleries, as well as private Collections. For the past 20 years, Wade has conducted workshops around the World inspiring students with his infectious enthusiasm and a consummate mastery of the watercolor medium. He has also contributed regularly to Australian and overseas art Magazines for many years.

Escoda, Robert Wade Watercolour Set - Grafilo & Prado

Item: E78610010E

In Stock

3 453 kr inc VAT 2 762,40 kr ex VAT

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