Pigments / Sennelier Pigments
Sennelier, Oil painting binding medium - 200ml
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Sennelier, Oil painting binding medium - 200ml

Item: P130120

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274 kr inc VAT 219,20 kr ex VAT

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A thick, non-yellowing vegetable oil specifically developed for grinding oil colours of optimum consistency. This ready-to-use binding medium is compatible with all the pigments traditionally used in oil paint. It includes a full, lead-free drying agent that permits normal drying time, both on the paint surface and in depth.

Instructions: This binding medium can be mixed in varying proportions, according to pigment and type of grinding. Add this binding medium gradually during grinding until the desired paint texture is obtained. Its viscosity makes grinding easy, and the resulting paste consistency is smooth and easy to work with, for painters with little experience in colourmaking.
