Acrylic mediums / Schmincke
Schmincke Pouring Medium - 250ml
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Schmincke Pouring Medium - 250ml

Item: K50.546.027

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197 kr inc VAT 157,60 kr ex VAT

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Fluid acrylic-medium for pouring. Optimized flow properties. Use pure or mixed in any ratio with acrylic colours (pretest!). Reduces crazing. Dries water-resistant, glossy or semi-mat (depending on the mixing ratio) and clear-transparent. Can also to be used as high glossy final lacquer for arylic paintings. Non-yellowing, flexible film with tack-free surface. Please note: Adding of silicone can cause cracks.

Mixable with all Schmincke acrylic colours

Mixing with colours creates a lacquer-like consistency and flow properties

Minimizes possible cracking when being poured in layers

Can be poured in several layers (always after drying) to create depth effects

Increases gloss (depending on amount, colour and range)

Surfaces / grounds should be slightly absorbent, clean, greaseless and stable (pretesting recommended)
